A7.1.3. 6th Consortium Meeting


The Grant coordinator of the MINERVA project – Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia (Ref. Nr. 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has organized the 6th Consortium Meeting, that took place online via ZOOM platform, on June 25th 2021.

The MINERVA grant Coordinator – Dr. Olesea SIRBU has welcomed the whole consortium and presented the state of the art of the MIENRVA project’s activities.  

The project consortium has discussed in detail Operational plan and each Work Package separately. MINERVA project partners were informed about the data collection process that has been completed. The reports will be summed up in info graphs and publically disseminated via national and institutional channels (WP1).

Due to the complicated political situation and upcoming elections in Moldova and Armenia, the MINERVA project partners discussed the implementation stage of the WP2 activities, focused on national legislation. The repeated online meeting will be organized separately with the representatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova (P5-MECRRM) and Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia (P10-MoESRA) in order to tackle the issue on national level.

Another important matter discussed, has been the finalization of the equipment procurement by the MINERVA partner institutions from Armenia. Moreover, the partners discussed on the acquisition of the anti-plagiarism tool (WP4).

The Partner country universities form Moldova and Armenia once more has been informed about the importance of the dissemination of the project activities on both, national and institutional levels, being the number one component verified by the European Commission.

Moreover, taking in to account that pandemics caused by COVID 19 starts to retreat, the consortium came up with the decision to organize the National Open Science Workshop with both physical and online presence, hosted by P8-YSU.

For more information please see the PROGRAMME andMINUTES on the meeting.

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