Study visit to EU partner to identify best practices of research management - University of Liège, Belgium (21-25 October 2019)


In the framework of the MINERVA project – Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia (Ref. Nr. 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has been realized the Study Visit to the University of Liege, BELGIUM, on 21-25 October 2019 in order to identify best practices of research management. 

In the Study Visit has participated the delegations from Moldova and Armenia, represented by vice rectors, projects institutional coordinators, participated at various activities for strengthening their knowledge about the subject of the meeting.

The following topics were discussed during the Study Visit:

1.      Introduction to URS4R;

2.      Best practices from Moldova: case of the Academy of Economic Study of Moldova;

3.      Best practices from Moldova: case of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Moldova;

4.      EURAXESS- Gap Analysis and Action Plan Development;

5.      Institutional Commitment and timeline;

6.      Researchers’ involvement in the process;

7.      HRS4R Application Process and the role of the assessor

The working language of the sessions was English. The sessions were organized in the interactive manner including work in groups and other interactive activities.


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