Lead Partner

ASEMlogoAcademy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) is the main public higher educational institution with economic profile in Moldova. Currently, ASEM comprises 6 faculties with 26 departments (Business Administration, General Economy and Law, Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, Finance, Accounting) two auxiliary departments, seven centers, Master School of Excellence in Economics and Business, Doctoral School, School of Tourism and Hotel Services, a business incubator, Institute for Economic Research.

P1-ASEM is rather active in the international collaboration field participating in both educational and research projects (ERASMUS +, TEMPUS, HORIZON 2020, FP7, COST, ENPI, etc). When the number of TEMPUS projects in which the University has participated is concerned the University is the top leader both in the country and the region, where most of these projects were aiming at restructuring and reforming higher education processes, structures and programs.

ASEM has become recognized as a reform-oriented university, developing intensively international cooperation with universities and other institutions in the area of higher education and having considerable experience in implementing academic mobility programs (Erasmus Mundus Action 2, ERASMUS+ Key Action 1. etc).

Recently the ASEM set a new strategic goal to become more visible in the international research arena and recognized as excellent University. As a starting point in reaching this goal, in March 2017, ASEM received the “HR Excellence in Research” award from the European Commission (EC) for its Human Resources Strategy for Research (HRS4R). ASEM is the first Moldovan university to have received this distinction.

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