MINERVA Presentation at EIFL GENERAL ASSEMBLY in BISHKEK - 8-10 August 2019


On August 8-10, 2019, EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) General Assembly was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Delegates from library consortia in 33 countries, representatives of partners in the publishing industry, and members of the EIFL management board and staff team participated in the Assembly.

Over three days the delegates were involved in interactive sessions. Expert guest speakers presented training programs, learning resources they had elaborated in the international copyright literacy and scholarly communications community. The session also covered the current landscape in funding, licensing through transformative agreements, and the library consortia’s role in driving open access.

The delegates also explored options for developing and offering digital skills courses for librarians and researchers in their own countries and considered a set of principles increasingly being adopted by national and international research funders to accelerate the transition to open access.    

Anna Chulyan, EIFL Armenia Coordinator, Head of Brusov YSULS Library, presented Armenia’s current experience in knowledge sharing, presented trends across the country, and showcased Armenia’s achievements in the sphere.

Anna Chulyan also presented the international project «ERASMUS + CBHE MINERVA – Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia» project.  MINERVA project plans to improve institutional HR policies throw a series of bylaw changes, to train the researchers for labor market and the society, and to facilitate their career development.   

In the course of the GA sessions and discussions EIFL agreed to become MINERVA associate partner and involve Irina Kuchma, Open Access Programme Manager for EIFL, a member of OA2020 Advisory Board, DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT) and the NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations) Board of Directors, in MINERVA advisory board to support the project in the Open Science policy guidelines and IR establishment in project countries.


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