Nineth Consortium Meeting


On April 1st, 2022, the MINERVA project Consortium Board has met for the 9th  Consortium Meeting of the ERASMUS+ project "Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia - MINERVA" (reference number: 597912-EPP-1-2018- 1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), co-financed by the European Union.

The Consortium Meeting took place online via ZOOM platformWith a welcome speech came the Grant Coordinator-Dr. Olesea SIRBU. After, the partners presented their updated teams.

The meeting continued with presentation of the achievements in MINERVA project implementation, realized by Partner Universities from Moldova and Armenia, where each of the Partners have presented their achievements so far, obstacles and created a place for the discussions of the quality measure of each of the deliverable.

The second part of the meeting have been dedicated to the presentation of the Operational plan for the 4th year of the project, detailed discussions on the outputs to be reported by each partner university, exploitation and sustainability of the results.

In order to learn more, please see the PROGRAMME and MINUTES of the meeting.

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