Open Access Repositories in Armenia in framework of World Open Access Week 2019 - 28.10.2019


On 28 October 2019 the event devoted to the "Open Access Repositories in Armenia" was organized at Papazian Library of the American University of Armenia (AUA). The heads of libraries of RA leading higher education institutions and a number of librarians participated in the event.

In 2018-2019 AUA and the Public Administration Academy of the RA jointly with the University of Bergen implement the Eurasia project on "Developing a Sustainable Platform for Open Access (OA) Publishing in Armenia", funded by the Foreign Ministry of Norway under supervision of Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) (, 2019).

During the event the MINERVA project ("Strengthening Research Management and Open Science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia") was presented by Anna Chulyan, Head of Library of Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences and coordinator of the MINERVA project. The academic community of Armenia has already accepted the importance and advantage of Open Science principles which are partially reflected in a number of initiatives taken by governing bodies, education institutions, libraries, NGOs, publishers and other stakeholders. However, the lack of coordination, absence of criteria and clearly set legislation make the aforementioned initiatives inefficient and isolated from the global development context. Within the upcoming three years this gap is planned to be filled also due to the MINERVA project.  

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