Round table "Problems of Open Science in the Republic of Moldova"


Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the coordinator of Erasmus+ “STRENGTHENING RESEARCH MANAGEMENT AND OPEN SCIENCE CAPACITIES OF HEIS IN MOLDOVA AND ARMENIA - MINERVA”, Reference number: 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP., in partnership with IDSI, RENAM and REM, organized the multiplier event - Round table "Problems of Open Science in the Republic of Moldova" on 12 of December 2019.

The main problems related to the topic of the round table was discussed by researchers and academics from all areas. ,

There was several presentation at the round table: Dr. Petru BOGATENCO presented his vision about the "European Open Science Cloud and Open Science Initiative in South East Europe”.

Dr. Olesea SIRBU had a speech about the importance of the MINERVA project in current situation in the Republic of Moldova. Also, she presented the main objectives and expected results of the MINERVA project.

Dr. Igor COJOCARU, Director of IDSI, addressed to the audience the question: Does the Republic of Moldova Need Open Science? After this question followed discussions and debates.



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