The International Workshop "Management of research and open science" in Armenia, 29 September - 01 October 2022


During 29 September - 01 October 2022, within the framework of the MINERVA project, the international workshop on "Management of research and open science" was held in Yerevan, Armenia, in which representatives of the Partner Universities.

The international workshop took place within the MINERVA project - "Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia", reference number: 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by ASEM.

On the first day of the workshop, the partner universities representatives participated in the International Conference "Heritage Conservation for a Sustainable Future", dedicated to the 510th anniversary of Armenian printing, which is organized by the National Library of Armenia in partnership with the project MINERVA. At this conference, ASEM representatives had the opportunity to learn about digital content management systems and to assimilate new visions on the indisputable role of preserving and promoting cultural heritage.

On September 30, the achievements obtained within the MINERVA project, in the Republic of Moldova and in Armenia, were presented and analyzed. Respectively, it was observed the extent to which the general objective of the project was achieved - to strengthen the research and open science capacities of higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova and in Armenia.

At the last day of the workshop special attention was paid to the aspects related to the sustainability of the MINERVA project. Accordingly, during the workshop, the participants examined national open science strategies and policies, identified opportunities and challenges related to the implementation of UNESCO recommendations for open science, discussed existing initiatives, opportunities and gaps for strengthening open science capacities . At the same time, the subject of digital repositories from the partner educational institutions, which significantly contribute to the development of the research infrastructure, was addressed.

In parallel with the International Workshop sessions, during the 1st October 2022 the Consortium Meeting took place, during which consortium hold discussions on the final reporting and quality assurance of the deliverables and outputs, moreover the discussions were hold around preparation for the final reporting.

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