Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the Grant Coordinator of the Erasmus+ project “STRENGTHENING RESEARCH MANAGEMENT AND OPEN SCIENCE CAPACITIES OF HEIS IN MOLDOVA AND ARMENIA - MINERVA”, Reference number: 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP., organized online the 2nd Consortium meeting with all partner institutions involved in the project on 5th February 2021.
With a welcome speech came the Grant Coordinator-Dr. Olesea SIRBU. After, the partners presented their updated teams.
The important news for all partners was about the authorisation form EACEA on the extension of the MINERVA project, which has been received. The end of the project will be 14 January 2023.
The updated Operational Plan was adopted and sent to the consortium by the Grant coordinator after the meeting.
The WP Leaders and the Activity leaders are the ones responsible for realisation of the activities within the respective WP and have to insert the activities to be realised by partners and the deadlines in the Operational plan. Separate meetings have to be arranged by the WP leaders, co-leaders, activity leaders, and working groups in order to discuss in detail the activity and deadlines. All the results/outputs/activities have to finalized by January 2021 in order to start the piloting & exploitation during the 4th year.
The working language of the meeting was English.