Moldovan partners

USMF logo1Nicolae Testemitanu USMF is a state academic institution whose main operational support components are education and scientific research. It comprises 4 faculties: Medicine nr.1, including Speciality of Public Health, Medicine nr.2, Pharmacy and Dentistry. More than 6 000 students from Moldova and other 26 countries undergo their studies in 4 languages: Romanian, English, French and Russian. Nicolae Testemitanu USMF currently consolidates and further develops its profile as a dynamic and innovative research and educational institution oriented to meet EU standards and Bologna Process. The international collaboration is reflected in the university's research and education activities through the participation in academic and research projects, the establishment of student exchange programs and affiliation to various international education and research organisations.

Nicolae Testemitanu USMF developed a new modern curriculum for public health education based on EU universities experience and in line with EU standards. Besides the academic activity, a lot of projects on communication capacity building, promotion of healthy lifestyle, community actions for children and youth, etc. are implemented in Nicolae Testemitanu USMF.


Technical University of Moldova (TUM) is the only one higher technical educational accredited institution in Moldova. Since its founding in 1964 it has trained more than 80000 engineers. TUM has 9 faculties, includes about 740 academic staff and about 9520 students. TUM objectives: to develop the value of the national engineering education through the quality of education as a determinant of the competitiveness of human potential; development of scientific research as a crucial component in professional engineering. An essential support for scientific research is provided by the university library. The Technical-Scientific Library holds collections of about 900,000 publications, serving 10500 users. Annually it acquires approximately 1500 ex. of scientific publications, including 70 scientific journal titles. Access to Springer databases with about 2000 magazines and 6000 e-books is provided. Users also benefit from 10 open access databases through authorization. According to the TUM  strategy University is going to integrate new technologies in the library, implementing high-grade  equipment to offer new possibilities to access of information as well as the necessity for  adapting the performance of  the library to the exigencies of the Quality Management and new standards in education and research; to organize the “e-Library” systems and services; to develop Institutional Repository, the basis of a Virtual Learning Environment, supporting research, teaching, learning and administrative processes; to share information, encouraging collaboration and communication within university libraries network .

NRCMThe National Council of Rectors of Moldova (NRCM) is a non-governmental organisation, which unites rectors of 26 state and private higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova. The Council is funded by its member universities in relation to their student enrolment. The Council is a forum where university rectors can discuss future challenges and propose strategies and recommendations to national public authorities in order to meet them.

METhe Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova (ME) is the central public administration for education in the Republic of Moldova. Its main competencies include developing strategies and promoting state policy in the educational sphere. In the period of 2014-2020 the objectives of the Ministry included focusing on improving the legal and regulatory framework in accordance with the requirements of modern society, international law and European standards; improving the quality of education by gradual transition from secondary education to academic preparation of students for life; ensuring access to quality education for all citizens of Moldova; including early education for all preschool children; developing training at all levels aimed at providing a competitive workforce with the current needs of the labour market.

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