Armenian partners

YSMU logoYerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi  (YSMU) has an exclusive role in the region as an academic institution. Along with classical academic programs of higher education YSMU is guided by three-degree programs (BA, MA and PhD). There are about 7100 students enrolled in the studies at the University; 1400 of them coming from different countries of the world. Post-graduate study including PhD, doctorate and Individual Applicants for PhD, is being implemented according to the respective specialties of the “List of scientific degrees awarded in RA” of SCC of RA. Currently, over 170 doctors and 546 PhD constitute the University faculty of 1343 professors. Over 300 members of the university faculty hold scientific degrees, 7 academicians of RA National Academy of Sciences conduct scientific and academic workings in the University. 90 professors of medicine, 198 associate professors and 6 senior research officers are enrolled in the university teaching, scientific and clinical activities.

Today Yerevan State Medical University is the only state institution in Armenia to train physicians and biomedical research staff. The University education, research and clinical activities are being organized in 7 faculties (General Medicine,  Dentistry, Pharmacy, Military Medicine, Postgraduate and Continuing Education, International Students’ Education), 106 academic departments, 2 in-patient and 6 out-patient clinics, Scientific Research Center with 12 laboratories, and Simulation center.

YSMU has established cooperation with about 30 universities around the globe, including a number of leading universities of Europe, USA and other regions as well. In the framework of these cooperation agreements, various academic programs, student exchange and joint research activities are implemented. During its nearly a century-long existence the University has trained over 30,000 doctors and pharmacists some of whom have made significant contribution to the development of healthcare and medical science all over the world.

Armenian State University of Economics ASUE logo

The Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) was established in 1930. It is the largest and leading economic University in Armenia with more than 7200 students and 618 full-time staff members. ASUE has two regional branches: in Gyumri and Yeghegnadzor. The University implements Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD Programs. Teaching and research is organized at 6 Departments and 23 Chairs.

Main strategic directions of ASUE are: providing high quality education, training of qualified economists, internationalization, conducting research, integration of education and research, etc. One of the main values of the University is to promote continious innovation through research and cooperation, and according to its vision ASUE will become one of the leading regional scientific centres by implementing fundamental and applied research activities.

ASUE has managed and participated in many projects in research, curricula development and capacity building. It is the first Armenian university that has successfully coordinated a EU-funded Armenian Coordination Agency “University-Employer”, №530321-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMHES Project which aimed at ameliorating the relevance of HE to ever-changing labour market needs and strengthening graduates’ employability. National University-Labour Market Network was established and operationalized within the Project. It incorporates a system for data collection, integration, processing and storage, which serves to provide regular receipt of information from HEIs and labour market on the teaching and training of human resources.

In 2013 “Amberd” research center was established at ASUE in order to contribute to the development of science in HE system and to strengthen links between science, private and public sectors. Since then through involvement of ASUE faculty members, specialists these sectors the center has conducted research projects which have considerable significant and practical application.

Aiming to promote faculty members, researchers and students’ participation and collaboration in scientific activities at ASUE four Scientific-Educational Laboratories have been established in 2017, which are as follows: Financial Inclusion, Monetary Policy and Economic Growth, Innovative and Institutional Research and Social Research.

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Yerevan State University Founded in 1919 Yerevan State University is the first Armenian University and is ranked among the top higher education institution in the South Caucasus. YSU strives to provide high-quality education and facilitate research through innovative initiatives and policies. Internationalization is a high priority for YSU, including but not limited to such areas as joint degrees, academic exchanges and scientific cooperation.

YSU is an active member of several prestigious international networks, including European University Association, Black Sea University Network and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie,. YSU has close scientific and educational contacts with more than 265 universities and centers around the world.  We have been cooperating with numerous international organizations and projects, some of which include the British Council, DAAD, USAID, ISTC, CRDF, FP7, TEMPUS,

Erasmus+, etc. YSU has successful history of development, management and implemented of about 20 TEMPUS projects in such areas as university management, strategic planning, internationalization, educational reforms and curricular development. Currently YSU is already involved in a number of Erasmus+ KA 1 and KA 2 activities.

Over 50 different Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) and 110 Postgraduate (Master’s and Postgraduate) programs are offered at YSU. Academic staff is comprised of about 1,300 professors. Currently university has over 19,500 students at 19 faculties. About 200 lecturers have a doctoral degree and more than 40 are academicians of the National Academy of Science in Armenia. YSU is the leader of university educational reforms in Armenia, including reforms in administration, management, curricular reform, having introduced QA system comparable with ENQA standards.


Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences was established in 1935 and is considered to be one of the oldest higher education institutions in Armenia with over 3500 students. YSULS has 3 faculties which offers BA, MA and PhD academic programs in Linguistics, Teaching Foreign Languages, International Relations, European studies, Political Science, Education Management and Planning, Translation studies, etc. 22 foreign languages are taught at the University (English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Korean, Romanian, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Greek, Turkish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Spanish, Persian, Georgian and Jewish). 12 Language and Culture centers have been founded at YSULS to promote the development of intercultural communication between the students and professorship of various countries of the world. Multi-profiled education is implemented at all University departments: each major is paralleled with a minor alongside with at least three foreign languages.

YSULS has signed cooperation agreements with more than 80 partners all around the world. Since 2011 YSULS has been actively involved in TEMPUS ALIGN project as a coordinator and in 5 other TEMPUS projects (SuToMa, SSRULLI, GOVERN, ARMENQA, VERITAS), Erasmus Mundus EFFORT, IANUS II, Jean Monnet projects, International Visegrad Fund projects, Capacity Building Higher Education Projects LNSS, SMART and International Credit Mobility as a partner university. YSULS is the only state university in the Caucasus and East Region that implements European Voluntary Service projects.

Scientific Library of BRUSOV YSLUS was opened along with the establishment of the University in 1935. Retaining traditions of its predecessors, the Library is making active use of up-to-date techniques in all areas of its activities with the aim to increase the level of information provision of the scientific-educational set of the University. For the sake of successful integration of the library into the educational and scientific processes, the Library has elaborated Library Management System (KOHA) based on open source soft. The mission is to provide the educational process with indispensable possibilities to access information and up-to-date services, to make comprehensive use of scientific-educational information resources in support of the research, teaching and learning. To fulfill this mission, the Library commits to enlarge the scope of university scientific products based on e-publishing and university repository. YSULS Library is one of the leading libraries providing trainings and master classes for the members of Electronic Library Consortium of Armenia, including the regional ones.

The University has a strong interest in advancing national and institutional guidelines, policies, and incentives related to the open science in YSULS, establishing digital repositories and developing knowledge and professional skills of the staff at the Library and the Science Department.

For management, administration and implementation of the project activities the YSULS working group is to be assigned from the staff members to be directly involved in activities covered by the project field: Library in charge of the general management of the project, implementation of the practical trainings for performing WPs according to the project work plan and all necessary administrative, legal and ongoing management as required by the project, more particularly to take part in analyzing local needs, collecting statistical data, conducting questionnaires and interviews with key stakeholders and to actively participate in writing regular reports on realization of workplans, etc.

Armenia ministry

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia (MoES RA) is the main executive body that develops and implements policies of the Republic of Armenia in the sphere of education and research. It is in charge of making decisions regarding development of the higher education system at institutional, legislative and policy level.

In 2005 Armenia signed the Bologna Declaration and since then has displayed its commitment to carry out reforms which are targeted at modernization of the context of higher and postgraduate education, harmonize its education system in line with the European standards and to become the part of European Higher education Area.

The overall goal of the reforms is to boost the quality of higher and postgraduate education and to make its higher education institutions competitive internationally. Hence, state HEIs and MoES RA share the governance of the system of higher and postgraduate education. The right to main decision making within the academic community is mostly reserved to HEIs, and this is one of the major achievements of the Bologna reforms in Armenia. HEIs are autonomous in determining the main spheres of activity, adopting budgets, curricula and teaching methods. MES AM defines state educational standards, issues licenses and state credentials, elaborates the list of the qualifications and specialties provided, approves the admission rules for the state and private accredited institutions, supervises their implementation, and conducts state accreditation process.

Participation of the MoES RA in the project will ensure that activities implemented by Armenian partner HEIs are in compliance with national policies and regulations in the sphere of education. It will ensure dissemination of results and outcomes among Armenian HEIs multiplying positive effect of the project at national level.

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