Objectives and main outputs



  1. OB1: To advance national and institutional guidelines, policies, and incentives related to the open science in Moldova and Armenia, by January 2022.
  2. OB2: To establish digital repositories at all project`s partner HEIs in Moldova and Armenia and to foster their infrastructural development and interoperability, by January 2021.
  3. OB3: To build human research capacities in order to ensure the sustainable implementation of open science principles and enhance the social inclusiveness and accountability of publicly-funded research, by January 2022.


  1. Advance national and institutional guidelines, policies, and incentives related to the research and Open Science in Republic of Moldova and Armenia.
  2. Establish digital repositories at all PCs` partner HEIs integrated to the Open Science platforms in each country in order to foster their infrastructural development and interoperability.
  3. R3. Build human research capacities in order to ensure the sustainable implementation of open science principles and enhance the social inclusiveness and accountability of publicly-funded research
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