A.6.5.1. Local Project Meeting in Armenia, 15.10.2019


On October 15, 2019 YSMU Coordinator of MINERVA Seyran Kocharyan organized a local meeting with the participation of coordinators and other representatives of partner universities from Armenia. It was held to cover two main topics. In the first part of the meeting YSULS Coordinator Anna Chulyan presented the scope of further activities related to the description, maintenance and openness of research results, which was followed by discussions related to upcoming visits to the universities of Liege and Valencia.

In the second part of the meeting Hrachya Astsatryan, Director of the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA and senior researcher Vahe Nersesyan presented the technological features of Open Science. They pointed out the possibilities of virtual and physical servers and discussed their suitability for the project.


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