Eastern Partnership Annual Conference on EU - EaP Research&Innovation Co-operation beyond 2020

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, with the support of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations,  organised on 21st of October, 2019, in Chișinău, the Eastern Partnership Annual Conference on EU – EaP Research & Innovation Co-operation beyond 2020, dedicated, also to the 10th Anniversary of the Eastern Partnership.

Welcoming remarks were delivered by Minister of Education, Culture and Research, Liliana NICOLAESCU-ONOFREI; Chairman of the Committee for Education, Culture, Research, Youth, Sport and Mass-Media, Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Adrian LEBEDINSCHI; Deputy Director-General, DG RTD, EU Commission, Signe RATSO; Head of Unit, NEAR.C.2 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Eastern Partnership, European Commission, Vassilis MARAGOS; Head of the European Union Delegation to Moldova, Peter MICHALKO; and over 100 representatives of national authorities responsible for policies in the fields of research and innovation, agencies for research and innovation, as well as researchers and representatives of private sectors and social society from all six countries of the Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova participated at the event.

The Conference was organized in 3 sessions and, namely: Integrate Eastern Partnership and EU research and innovation systems and programs; Sustainability and Infrastructure Systems; EU 10 years of the Eastern Partnership: recent developments in Research and Innovation and future expectations 2020. 

The Grant Coordinator of MINERVA Project, Dr. Olesea SIRBU participated with a speech in second session. The main topic of the speech was ”Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia, MINERVA Project”. The objectives and the main outcomes and outputs of the project was preented to wider public.



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