EIFL training on OPEN SCIENCE at YSULS 26 - 27 September 2019


A training on Open Science national and institutional guidelines, policies, and incentives in Armenia was held at Brusov YSULS on September 26-27, 2019. The training was conducted in the frames of ERASMUS+ CBHE «Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia» (MINERVA) project.

The training was attended by the representatives of the project partner universities - Brusov YSLUS, Yerevan State University, Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Armenian State University of Economics. The representatives of RA Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), American University of Armenia (AUA) and Public Administration Academy of Armenia (PAARA) also participated in the meeting.

The expert speaker was Iryna Kuchma, Open Access Programme Manager for  EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries). EIFL is MINERVA associate partner, to support the project in the Open Science policy guidelines and IR establishment in the project countries.

Irina Kuchma has many achievements, including the establishment of more than 1,100 open access repositories and over 4,000 open access journals in EIFL partner countries, opening up a wealth of new knowledge and research to the world.

In the course of the two-day training the participants mastered in Open Science policy guidelines, policies and discussed a range of issues referring to setting up repositories, talking to researchers about Open Science and data management.  

EIFL has worked with many countries to promote Open Science. To underscore, EIFL provides Open Science policy templates as the basis for national discussion and drafting, which enables national universities to establish Institutional Repositories, adopt OA policies, and train library staff,  researchers and students. Proceeding from the aforementioned guidelines, universities of the project partner countries will find it easier to adopt and implement institutional open access policies, mandate the depositing in repositories and make them openly available, providing that copyright allows.

The focus group discussions were targeted at developing new skills in training researchers on Open Science. The delegates considered how to give a training focusing on learning objectives and outcomes and know that the training is making a difference as well as other items, in part, finding a place for training and messages in the competitive research landscape.

See more at partner webpage: https://brusov.am/en/page_list/2019_events_-_minerva/#sthash.EFX4M74U.dpbs

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