HRS4R Workshop and Discussion with the HRS4R Experts (20 May 2021)

‘The MINERVA Partner institutions participated in the ’HRS4R Workshop and Discussion with the HRS4R Experts’’ for institutions undergoing the initial phase of the HRS4R procedure organized by Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) on 20th of May 2021 from 10:00 CET until 14:45 CET.

More about the event:

The workshop was organised under the EURAXESS TOP IV Project (No: 786133) and intended to serve as a supporting activity for the institutions that have endorsed the Charter & Code principles and are preparing the necessary documentation within the first, and perhaps technically and ambition-wise, most challenging part of the HRS4R process.

This workshop helps to learn how to efficiently prepare for this procedure, but as well as have a chance to address your concerns and discuss them with the members of the HRS4R experts’ community and peers from other institutions.

Participants had the chance to work and discuss in small groups and offer an interesting insight to the members of the EURAXESS Network about the challenges that institutions face in the daily work in this phase of the HRS4R process.


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