MINERVA: International Workshop on Open Science/ARMENIA, 7-8 October 2021

The International Workshop on Open Science was launched on October 7, 2021.

The two-day event was organized within the MINERVA project - “Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” (Reference number: 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE –SP) and has been attended by the delegation from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. The event takes place on October 7-8, 2021 and was organized and hosted by Yerevan State University, the MINERVA project partner.

The first day of the international workshop was divided into two working sessions, dedicated to Open Science for everyone and to the National Strategies on Open Science.

The guests were greeted by the head of the Department of International Cooperation - Alexander MARCAROV, who briefly presented the importance and main objectives of the educational projects implemented under "ERASMUS +".

The priorities of the MINERVA project, as well as the activities implemented within the project and the results already achieved, were presented by the MINERVA Project Coordinator - Dr. Olesea SIRBU, Vice Rector for International Relations and European Programs of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.

According to the first day's program, during the first working session, dedicated to open science, thematic reports were realised by experts from different educational institutions from Valencia, Milan and Montpellier.

Perspectives for improvement of the normative framework in the Republic of Moldova regarding the promotion of Open Science were presented by Hab. Dr., prof., Serghei SPRINCEAN, employee of the Center for European Integration Studies of ASEM.

On the second day of the event, thematic presentations dedicated to institutional strategies on open science by higher education institutions from Moldova and Armenia will be realised.




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