Eighth consortium meeting / 2-4 December 2021


On December 2-4, 2021, the eighth meeting of the consortium of the ERASMUS + project “Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia (MINERVA)”  reference number: 597912-EPP-1-2018-1 -MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, coordinated by the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova took place.

The consortium meeting was organized in a hybrid way, with the physical and online involvement of the partner institutions, hosted by the grant coordinators at the premises of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.

During the consortium meeting, the partner universities of Moldova and Armenia presented the results of the implementation of the activities and tasks established within the project, the challenges they faced during the implementation, but also the steps to be taken during the last year of the project's implementation.

The presentations at the meeting focused on:

  • Results of the MINERVA project: achievements and obstacles of partner universities from Moldova and Armenia;
  • Workshop dedicated to the harmonization of the legislative framework on Open Science and the Development of the Infrastructure for Open Science;
  • Workshop dedicated to ensuring the sustainability of the MINERVA project;
  • Financial management and reporting within the MINERVA project;

During the meeting, the project coordinator Olesea SIRBU, ASEM vise rector, presented the overview of the project implementation results but also the key activities to be carried out by the consortium to achieve all the tasks provided by the project.

In order to see detailed information, please see the PROGRAMME and MINUTES of the meeting.








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